Laura Marsiliani’s Research

2023-2026 HEIF/Research England Co-investigator and Lead-of project 3: Growing Teesside’s hydrogen economy and catalysing a just transition to Net Zero, £ 11 million
2022-2025 Charles Wilson Fund-Co-Investigator: Global Smart Hub; £ 280K
2022-2023 Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), Principal Investigator: Pro-SDGs attitudes and green consumerism: The case of adoption of clean vehicles to reduce pollution and mitigate climate change’, full funding for one Fellow (x 3 months) and one Distinguished Visitor (x 1 week)
2022-2023 UKRI/EPSRC Lead of Project: Public Perceptions and Preference Analysis of Geothermal Energy from Mines and Solar-Geothermal Heat, funding for a one-year Post Doc; £ 35
2021-2024 UKRI/EPSRC-Co-Investigator: Geothermal Energy from Mines and Solar-Geothermal Heat; £ 1.7 million
“Combining Private and Public Resources: Captive Power Plants and Electricity Sector Development in Bangladesh,” joint with Sakib Amin, Department of Economics, North South University, and Tooraj Jamasb, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Manuel Llorca, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, andThomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. Published in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2020. DOI:
“Optimal sin taxes in the presence of income taxes and health care,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School and Jiunn Wang, Institute of Health Research, University of Exeter. Published in Economics Letters, 2019, vol. 186, article 108767. DOI:
“Optimal taxation, environment quality, socially responsible firms and investors,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School and Luca Spataro, Dipartimento di Economia e Management, University of Pisa, and. Published in International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019, vol. 13, no. 3-4, pp. 339-373. DOI:
“The relationship between growth and the environment in Beijing, using PM2.5 concentrations,” joint with Jingyuan Di, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School, and Chong Li, Sichuan University. Published in Review of Business and Economics Studies, 2018, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 5-18.
“The Impacts of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Removal on Bangladesh Economy,” joint with Sakib Amin, Department of Economics, North South University, and Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. Published in The Bangladesh Development Studies, 2018, vol. XLI, no. 2, pp. 65-81.
“Share-Ownership Distribution and Extraction Rate of Petrolium in Oil Fields,” joint with Xiaoyan Liu. Published in Review of Business and Economics Studies, 2017, vol. 5, no. 1. pp. 42-53.
“Energy Price Shocks in Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium: The Case of Bangladesh,” joint with Sakib Amin, Department of Economics, North South University. Published in Review of Business and Economics Studies, 2015, vol. 3, no. 4. pp. 12-21.
“Political Institutions and economic growth,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. Published in Economics of Governance, 2007, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 233-261. DOI:
“The Role of Government Commitment for Environmental Policy and Capital Movements,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. Published in BE Journal of Macroeconomics, 2007, vol. 6, iss. 3. DOI: Earlier version as CEPR Discussion Paper 3727, and W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy, University of Rochester, Working Paper no. 31/2002. Abstract. Paper.
“Inequality, Environmental Protection and Growth: A Political Economy Approach,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. Published in L.E. Finley (Ed.) Perspectives on Economic Growth (2006), Nova Science Publishers.
“Optimal Dynamic Taxation with Indivisible Labour,” joint with Parantap Basu, Department of Economics,Durham University and University of Fordham, and Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Durham. Published in The Manchester School, 2004, vol.72, issue s1, pp. 34-54. Also as CEPR Discussion Paper 4190. Abstract. Paper. Note: This is an electronic version of an article published in Blackwell Publishing Ltd and The Victoria University of Manchester complete citation information for the final version of the paper, as published in the print edition of Blac is available on the Blackwell Synergy online delivery service, accessible via the journal’s website at or .
“Time Inconsistency in Environmental Policy: Tax Earmarking as a Commitment Solution,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Durham. Published in Economic Journal, 2000, vol. 110, no. 462. Available from JSTOR. Also as CentER Discussion Paper no. 9986, University of Birmingham (Department of Economics) Discussion Paper no. 99-22, and FEEM Nota di Lavoro no 76.99; Abstract.
“Sovereign Default with Unobservable Physical Capital” joint with Narongchai Yaisawang, Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School, and Thomas Renström , Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. Abstract. Paper.
“Can subsidies rather than pollution taxes break the trade-off between economic output and environmental protection?” joint with Thomas Renström , Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. and Luca Spataro, Departimento di Economia e Management, Universita di Pisa, and Abstract. Paper.
“Optimal Environmental Taxation in the Presence of Pollution and Congestion: A General-Equilibrium Analysis” joint with Xiaoxiao Ma, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, and Thomas Renström , Department of Economics and Finance, Durham University Business School. Abstract. Paper.
“Privately Provided Public Goods in a Dynamic Economy.” Abstract. Paper.
“Environmental Policy and Interjurisdictional Competition in a Second-Best World,” joint with Thomas Renström , Department of Economics and Finance, University of Durham, and Cees Withagen, Free University Amsterdam, Tilburg University and CentER for Economic Research. Abstract. Paper.
“Political Institutions, Environmental Policy, and Growth,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Durham. CEPR Discussion Paper 4670. Abstract. Paper.
“Unions’ and Firms’ Product Market Power: Theory and Evidence from a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model.” Abstract. Paper.
“On Income Inequality and Green Preferences,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Durham. CEPR Discussion Paper 3677, and W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy, University of Rochester, Working Paper no. 30/2002. Abstract. Paper.
“Inequality, Environmental Protection and Growth,” joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Durham. Long version as CentER Discussion Paper 2000, no. 34, and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Nota di lavoro 36.00. Short version as CEPR Discussion Paper 3754, and W. Allen Wallis Institute of Political Economy, University of Rochester, Working Paper no. 35/2002 (abstract, paper).
“Imperfect Competition, Labour Market Distortions and the Double Dividend Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence from Italian Data”, joint with Thomas Renström, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Durham. FEEM Nota di Lavoro no 11.2000. Abstract. Paper (paper, appendix, tables).
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